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  1. Please always search for an existing question before posting a new one.
  2. Please form every title in the form of a question, ending with a question mark.

We want this category to consist of canonical questions and answers that RemNote users can refer to for years!

If you have a question for yourself and later discover an answer, please post a question, write your own answer, and mark the answer as solved - the RemNote community will thank you.

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I was wondering if anyone else has this issue. Sometimes when I am typing I accidentally create a flashcard causing my text to become italicized. When I try to revert the font to normal I am not able to. I have tried dealing the rem and starting a new one. I have tried highlighting the text to un select the the italicized button, nothing works. The worst thing is that all the words on new rams come out utilized.

Thank you in advanced.

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Try using /remove command. Did it solve your problem?

yes, thank you. I was able to solve the issue.

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