Practice cards in ascending order of "Last Practiced" time

Is there a way to practice cards(not in the queue); but in ascending order of “Last Practiced” time(without spaced repetition)?

It would be useful when I’ve finished the queue on a given day; then I could go through those cards which I haven’t, for a long time. If not, I’d request for such feature.

The whole point of SRS is that you self-grade on the ease of your recall, and it automatically sets the next practise time (ideally just before you would forget, so it takes some effort, but is possible to recall). I suppose if you only ever press “good” the flashcards will have a more predictable repetition time.

agree with you, but thats not always going to be the case. Its quite possible that I might have forgotten a card long before its next repetition time due to (say)

  • inaccurate self-gradation, or
  • because the SRS is not yet perfectly implented. (I’ve noticed, sometimes the same card appears twice in the queue on the same day even if I pressed “good” on the first time. So, if I press “good” again, this further pushes the next repetition time).

Personally I think, the requested feature would help me; especially when

  • I have finished the queue & have nothing to do, and/or
  • if my examination is going to happen in a few weeks from now

You may create a new document, bring in the stuff you want to practice via portals, go to the 3 dots menu of the document and select “practice rem without spaced repetition”. I guess you would want to specifically bring only the oldest practised cards rather than search and add them by subject, but the cards page is still considered to be in the testing phase, so for now we wait. Feel free to mirror this in the feature requests subforum.

Thanks. Will put this in feature requests.
I have a doubt.

What if I delete this document later? Will the original rems/docs/folders imported through portals also get deleted?

To be clear, you aren’t moving the rem to practise from their original place (ctrl+shift+m), you are making a new empty rem and either using ctrl+shift+enter to insert a portal bar and typing the rem you wish to practise or finding what you want to practice first, ctrl+shift+e to copy portal to clipboard and pasting it in the empty rem. Since the new rem will contain only portals, when you delete it you will only delete the portals and leave the original rem untouched. Of course, should you feel the need to edit or delete the actual some of them after practise, you may do so inside the portals.

Portals are, appropriately, just windows to other rem. You may open and close them at will, it only matters what you do to the actual stuff inside.

Here are some terrible pictures to illustrate the point.

Thanks for the pictures.I was trying to delete the portal but couldn’t find those three dots. :sweat_smile:
They are almost hidden behind the sidebar, in full width view.