Prevent testing of list cards within multi-line cards

The queue frequently tries to test descendant list cards of multi-line cards in my knowledge base as part of the multi-line card. This behaviour persists when I indent the list card(s) 1+ levels below the top level multi-line card. I’d like to ensure that only the top-level rem contained in the multi-line card are tested. See the attached screenshots for an example.

I believe this is a bug because this behaviour is not consistent. In the examples above, the “CN 1” rem also contains a “procedure” descriptor list card, but this is not tested when the multi-line card is presented. Additionally, I have tested this behaviour in isolation and found that some multi-line cards formatted as above will be presented as shown, while others will be presented using my desired behaviour. I haven’t been able to discern a pattern to this.

Could anyone help me understand this behaviour better?

Possibly some multi-line card items are multi-line parents as well in which case their children are also included when testing the topmost parent.

Thanks for your follow-up! Let me confirm I understand your suggestion. In the above case shown in the screenshots, you’re suggesting that “CN II” may be a multi-line card itself with its “procedure” child as one of its card items? If so, I’m reasonably confident I can confirm this is not the case. As you can see in the screenshot below, “CN I” and “CN II” both have child rem called “procedure”, but neither should independently present a multi-line card with “procedure” as an answer. Additionally, neither has other next-level down children which would be tested as part of a multi-line card.

I’d appreciate your input if I’m reading this wrong!

Looks like a straight up bug then, get in touch with support from the lower right ? button. Thankfully, your report seems quite detailed already, so feel free to link to this topic.