Problem with Indent and outdent rems (using Tab)

Hello, how I can outdent a rem from a flashcard answer?
I press shift + tab then tab but the rem is not outdented, it’s still connected to the flashcard answers. Can anyone tell me how to solve this?

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@UMNiK I have problem, the shortcuts are not working! How I can solve it?
Thank you brother

Ctrl + Alt + R :white_check_mark:
:x:Wrong: You can use shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T with rem you want to disconnect from flashcard answer…

The default keys are ctrl+alt+r for multilines and ctrl+alt+l for lists.

It works now, thank you a lot brother

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Thanks @UMNiK for correcting me…
@Mohammed_SayedAhmad , try these shortcuts that UMNiK posted, they are default

is not working, i pressed the buttons u mentioned and nothing happened
Thank u for answering

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You can try Slash Command, type /card and Enter
