Problem with practicing Children of tagged Flashcards ("Untoggled-Portal-Problem")

Here is my problem:

I want to practice flashcards only tagged with the tag “muscle”. The children of the cards are all the same as I used a template (origin, insertion, function,…).
If I know go to the tag “muscle” and start “practice all” , only about 30 cards pop up (while I have around 700 about the muscles).
I have figured out the reason to this: The children have to be untoggled (cmd + downarrow), otherwise the portal won’t recognize it. Does anyone know a workaround?
This problem makes the whole process of “filtering and tagging flashcards” pretty inconvenient.

Explanation of the picture: “Mm. intercostales interni” would be testet as they are “untoggled”, “M. transversus thoracis” is not tested, as all the children are “hovered” by the outliner tool (Rem is toggled).
It takes a lot of time to untoggle all the children of 200 cards.
Is there an option to practice all cards tagged + their children?