Queue issue using descriptors

Hi everyone, I’m new so I hope the question I’m going to ask is not responded in another topic (I made a quick research). Also, sorry for my level of english.

Since a few days I have this problem while I’m practicing in the Queue. I think the problem came up when I began to use descriptors rems below multiple lines cards.

As you can see in the following pictures, instead of showing the first descriptor rem “auteur” and waiting for my response, it only shows me “[…]”. On the next step, all the rems are revealed at once. Then, the Queue works normally and ask me to respond to the descriptors rems one by one. (As a new member I only can post one image so here’s the link : https://ibb.co/album/V24RrS (follow the pictures in the order 1-6)).

Could you explain me what did I did wrong? How can I avoid being spoiled?

Also, some of my cards continue to be asked everyday since 4-5 days (24h delay everytime) even though I respond correct while I practice them.

Thanks for your help!

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Best guess I can make is that you are using a multiline flashcard for Penchant.... You can check that in the bottom toolbar. It would help if you show the notes that generate the flash cards as well.

New cards are shown more often. You can chose Easy to make then shown less.
If this still not enough you can customize the scheduler in the settings.

Does the practice intervals line up with the time hint shown when answering the cards?
If not it might just be a bug. You can inspect past practice times and next scheduled time with /metadata on the rem in your notes (or just / in the queue) and see if they make sense.

Hi ! thanks you for your help !

I’m sorry, I don’t know what “Penchant…” is. Remnote is quite difficult to master at the beginning, and even more when you are not familiar with the language haha

Here it is:

Not with some of the cards. I’m gonna check the metada if the problem continues.

Again, thanks for helping me !

XD, that made me smile. Penchant classique au substantialisme is the rem you wrote yourself. I was just not in the mood to type it completely.

Do you see the ::: behind it. That means it is a multiline rem which generates it’s own flash card (the one with everything on the back) I think.

This should just be a plain concept. Try the /plain slash command on it or select Plain in the bottom toolbar or delete the rem and recreate it.

Hahaha I am so stupid sorry

I did as you said, and I think it is working great.
I will confirm you that soon.

Thanks you very much hannesfrank !!!

You are welcome :slight_smile: