Quick tip: noob CSS cheat sheet

Hey everyone!
I’m not a programer but I started exploring the wonders I can do with CSS inside RemNote. I was inpired by @hannesfrank awesome video with the tags thing.

The idea here is to help people like me that didn’t knew where to start.

I wanted to make every rem that has the tag “#quote” to go italic and have a gray font color and here is how I did it:

.rem[data-rem-tags~="quote"] {
color: #333333;

You can have any tag you like to do lots of things, just change what you need from his model.

Here is a cheat sheet that will help yu with what you can do:

Hope it helps!


I also like

It has many examples for each rule, but it is more useful if you already know what you are looking for.

OPs cheatsheet has many widgets to just click together what you want. Definitely beginner friendly :+1: