References closed in the queue

Is it possible to automatically have the references closed when a flashcard is shown? Quit often the stuff that is in the references is giving away the answer to the question.

The answer to the flashcard is Modularity, which is referenced to in the card about Fodor. If I click the triangle it is out of sight, but I would like to have it closed when the card shows up so I can’t see the answer. Or to not have the references in the card at all?

This is a bug, there is a bug report in forum too… Will I move your post to it? Queue shows the References/In Document info [with Backward Cards] (v1.4 on Safari on iPadOS15) - Beta RemNote Server / Bugs - RemNote

Sorry, I searched the forum for my problem but this topic didn’t show up in my results. Could you please move my post to that topic?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Queue shows the References/In Document info [with Backward Cards] (v1.4 on Safari on iPadOS15)