First, RemNote is amazing - thanks for your hard work developing.
I think a powerful and attractive upgrade would be to add a “Reminders” section to the sidebar, similar to the Todo checkbox list, but something that would aggregate post-scheduled reminders as well.
For example, today is July 24th. I’d like to set a reminder to “Call Bob” on August 2nd. If I forget to login to RN on Aug 2nd, then on Aug 3rd or later, the reminder to “Call Bob” would still appear in the Reminders section. All reminders that I haven’t checked off would appear in this section.
I understand this can sort of be accomplished with the Daily Documents, but it would require I look back at previous docs, and there’s no way (that I know of) to aggregate unfinished items scheduled in the Daily Docs.
Maybe it would look something like this -
As a second bonus, it would be splendiferous if these reminders could be set as pop-up notifications in the Android app.
Thanks again, RN rocks.