Hello RemNote Community!
There’s a new #remnote-learners-club- that begins this weekend. Here’s all you have to know about the club:
What do people do there?
- We get together once every week for 1-1.5 hours (usually on Saturdays at 13:00 UTC) and we dissect interesting reading materials together on the call.
- We are experimenting the very first public RemNote KB by using it as collective KnowledgeBase for everything that we learn together during these club meetings.
- So essentially, it’s a cohort based learning of something new that interests the members + learning to use RemNote better from each other’s workflows + laying down the path for
how Team Based Workflows might be developed for RemNote.
What topics do we deal with generally?
- It can highly vary upon the collective interest of the group.
- To begin with, we decided to read together articles that surround the topic of “Personal Knowledge Management”
How can you join?
- You can just jump into the calls as they happen (follow this channel for updates, but usually they happen at 13:00hrs every Saturday)
- If you are interested in participating regularly and you would like to have access to the RemNote Learner’s Group - Knowledge Base, then sign up here Sign up
What’s expected out of you?
- You don’t have to come prepared with anything. If the topic interests you, then just jump into the call and we can go through that week’s article/book together and then discuss/debate/dissect it with everyone else.
What are we doing this week?
- We are trying to understand how Luhmann’s Card Index System came to be, by going through this material here: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/88f8/fa9dfbc0c2b296758dd932b871917c5c775a.pdf
When & where are we meeting?
- In Discord at 13:00hrs UTC Saturday this week (24th of July), in the channel #remnote-learners-club-