Remnote on iOS iPad

Hi, i have tried remnote on 3 different browsers in iOS 14.xx on my ipad 12.9

I use my iPAD as my laptop with type cover and an external mouse and would like to use it as my primary device for remnote.

But, I m facing issues on it even with different browsers. I tried 3 of them -

  1. On chrome, the flashcard queue is not even loading. Its stuck on syncing.

  2. On safari, some of the flashcards get stuck at a question and no matter what option i select (good easy hard), it wont respond.

  3. So finally i tried firefox. It fixed all the issues but the page is not syncing and every 2 minute or so the page is refreshing on its own! I have no plugins or autorefresh turned on (freshly downloaded firefox from appstore just for remnote)

Is there anyone using remnote on ipad?

I use Remnote in iPad as a PWA (progressive web app). To enable that, you open the site in Safari and save it to your home screen.

Wow, completely forgot about that. I remember avoiding it at the beginning because of some issues but I will try it out again

Yeah, me. I use safari and it’s working fine for me