Revise Flashcards in order?

Hello! Is there a way to go over the flashcards of a document in the order they are written instead of a random order?? Thanks!

I want the same :slightly_smiling_face:

Why hasn’t this feature been added yet…? Very disappointing. Please, just add an option to
“practice REM > Practice in study document order” So we can benefit from studying a lengthy procedure that has vital chronology or sequence of steps.

Absolutely! This is needed!

You may upvote and subscribe to the relevant feature request.

Yes I’m curious about it too.

This would be a solution?

Also upvote this FR if you want this functionality natively.

We really need this, especially for order within a single rem (I think the proper implementation would be the Rem Cluster)

Why hasn’t this feature been added yet…? Very disappointing. Please, just add an option to “practice REM > Practice in study document order” So we can benefit from studying a lengthy procedure that has vital chronology or sequence of steps while incorporating those awesome fill in the blanks in a sequence as well.

Please Remnote team:::: we need this asap :pray: