Scroll and unfold after a search in Page, including for terms within folded Rem

Currently if I CTRL+F, type a word and hit ENTER, the current view filters down to only the Rems containing the term. It’s a nice feature, however most of the time I don’t want that to happen. I usually want to have the page scroll to where the term is, so I can see it in context.

I understand this can be achieved by performing the search, clicking on the Rem you want to focus, then hitting ESC to close the search bar. However that only works if the desired Rem was already unfolded. I’d like this to work even if the Rem is folded in - ie., if the desired Rem is not expanded at the time of the search, then its branch should be unfolded, and the page should scroll to it.

Even better if this was made the default behaviour for search in page, having it be more similar to how it works in web browsers (though with the added complexity of having the branches unfolding/folding dynamically).

As I mentioned, the current default search is very good for when I want to filter out everything else. However at least to me I’d use it less than the option I described above (so I’d prefer having a different shortcut for it).

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