Shift-click on any rem stalls the app

Windows 10, Desktop app Version 1.4.2-beta, Local kb

Shift-click on any rem changes to Documents view and results in a message “You do not have access to this knowledge base.”, from now on clicking on any rem will result in the same message and you can’t really do anything. You have to reopen the app.


sorry this is not a fix, but a question:
how did you gain access to 1.4 update on the desktop app? I can access it on but not on the desktop app.

nvm I just got it thanks

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I have the same problem.

I’m not sure what you mean

As I said in the first post: “Local kb”.
It’s not about shift-clicking as much as opening in side panel. You can as well do something else that opens up a side panel like clicking on the document’s source which is a pdf.

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The document table is not supported as a single pane. It is always fullscreen. The error + rerending must be fixed though.


I find that Turn on Setting - Labs - Windowed Panes can fix the problem.


Yes, I know. After this error is “on” and you land in document table, you don’t have to shift-click, you get the same error just by clicking with left mouse button (that’s what I’m doing in the attached gif).