Shortcut for Today's Document

There has been a lot of back and forth notes as I create new ones and edit old ones.
it’s been easy with Alt+P and search for the rem I want to go.
But I would like to have a direct shortcut to today’s document. like example. Alt+P , “today’s document” or “today” and it would load up the correct document. or even tomorrow or specific days like with !! function.

Sure I can put in the exact date manually in search box, but that’s not very convenient.
Please devs. :smiley:

check the keyboard shortcuts in settings—for mac, the shortcut to get to the daily notes page is alt + d


Since this feature is already a part of RemNote, I have closed the post.

To see the keyboard shortcuts available, and to remap them if you’re a Pro subscriber or a Life-long Learner, go to Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts. You can also click the little button in the bottom right, and then the ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’ menu item.

One keyboard shortcut that isn’t a part of a RemNote is one to access the settings. Feel free to request that one. :wink: