Very often I want to break the text of a Rem and have the second half become its child.
This is usually quick to do (place cursor ENTER, TAB). However if the parent Rem is automatically sorting, the new Rem most likely won’t be directly under the original Rem after the ENTER.
A solution would be to have some shortcut (probably a modifier on ENTER?) which breaks the text and moves it in as a child. This would solve the issue when automatically sorting, and would provide a new possibly useful advanced shortcut.
Not a high priority feature request, though it might be for people heavily using automatically sorting…?
PS: In case it wasn’t clear what I meant, it’s going from this:
To this:
PS: another solution for the situation in which the parent is automatically sorting could be to defer sorting after this specific action. If user hits TAB, then make it child. Anything else re-activates sorting. (Sounds a bit messy though)