Having been using ROAM for many months I want to express what I feel is missing in RemNote or rather what would improve it. These issues were enough to make me stick with ROAM.
- I tried 2x to import from ROAM. Both times the import froze at 79%.
- My biggest issue is when I click on a linked word or phrase I want to just go to the connected page. With ROAM I have RARELY needed another feature - except to open a side related window. If I did it would be a contrl key first then a menu would appear. So if you go directly to the connected document you might win me over. Its really a pain for that to be a 2 step process. Over time the time it takes adds up.
- I found the same issue in linked references at the bottom of the page. When I click on a reference just take me there. If you want other options attached then employ the cntrl key.
Hope this helps.