Storage: 100% Used Up

REMNOTE: “You’ve used about 100% of the storage on your device. To ensure you don’t lose anything from RemNote, please consider deleting data from other areas of your device.”

Question: How to increase my storage? Thanks

How much REM do you have?

This seems extremely unlikely on web or desktop, so I can only assume it’s one of the mobile apps, which are still in a rough state. Does your phone have enough free space?

REM: 1k.
Am using laptop but on free account.

Please contact support using the “Contact Support” button accessible from the ? button in the lower right of the app.

Might be because of the large size from the daily backups? If you’re on Windows, go to C:\Users\your_username\remnote\ . There might be a bunch of folders there. You can delete the folder that’s named remnote-{your username}. @sobjornstad mentioned that since the 1.8 update, the backups are stored in another folder named remnote-{your user ID}. The user ID will look like a bunch of random numbers and letters.