#tags don't appear while reviewing

#tags don’t appear while reviewing cards in the queue. is this a bug or is there a way to enable it?

Not a bug. At the moment the only things the cards can contain are clozes (and image clozes), front text::back text for concepts, front text::back text and guess the parent for descriptors, front multiline:::multiline children, list front::1list children (::* for no numbers), and whatever children are marked ##extra card detail. If you have references, you may hover them, but tags are absent.

correct, I think the thought here is that showing tags while answering cards could “Give away” answers. A way to see the tags of your cards is “Edit” the card while in your queue

@mattygrov It’s hardly giving away the answer if there is no way to ask the question. I’ve said it before: it’s paramount to integrate wiki and flashcards features. At the moment best case is duplicate question descriptors (specimen of what type (should be handled by tags), connected to what (should be handled by references), see also what (extra card detail is a nice solution to this one)), worst case is treating RemNote as Anki with the ability to arrange flashcards into an outline rather than elaborating on the notes with references and tags.