Text cursor bug

After the update 1.5, when i paste text from other sources (not RemNote), like PDF, Word, Whatsapp, any page, etc., the text cursor emerge at the beggining (or left) of the text pasted. The way it function in every app, and before the update, was the text cursor emerge at the end of the text pasted.
So my question is if this is a bug or something like that, and in that case if can be reverted.

Yes, it is quite annoying that when copying the text cursor it is located at the beginning, because you want to continue writing with what follows but you always have to press forward to continue, I hope that later you can see if there is a solution. :pensive:

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Also having this issue on Safari v15.2. Not sure if it’s browser-specific, though. Quite frustrating.

Would like to add that it does the same with my Alfred snippets – when text is replaced, cursor moves to before the word, and the character immediately succeeding the word is also deleted.

Here’s a gif:


Thank you anisha :smiley: I use Google Chrome in my RemNote, I notiche that Aces use them too. Any way to solve this problems with CSS? Maybe in the Developers & API somenone have a solution for solve it with CSS.

The both issues appear also on the desktop app, i.e.

  • cursor moving at the beggining when pasting in a empty rem and
  • cursor remaning after the pasted text, but deleting the first character that is after the pasted text when pasting in a non-empty rem

CSS can’t solve this, a fix needs to be pushed by the devs - I hope that they are able to reproduce it and push a fix in the next update.