There are more and more unfamiliar documents without document tags on the document screen

It’s been a while since I logged into RemNote, and I found more things in the document pane that I hadn’t created. Perhaps they look like fragments of tutorials, but some of them are not.

These notes that I did not create are not tagged as documentation. However, they are shown here.

Also, after a while, there was one more document that I didn’t recognize. Is this normal behavior? This seems spooky :frowning:

This is happening in both the web and desktop versions. The desktop version of RemNote that I am using is 1.1.12 (Linux).

Also, once I want to delete an unwanted document, I can’t select multiple documents.

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It is showing all your rem that aren’t a child of another rem. If you click the switch at the top of the page (labelled “Documents and Top-Level Rem”) it will switch to only showing documents.