To Do which carries forward automatically

A dated todo rem that automatically moves forward to the next day if it is not checked “done.”

I do this manually already. I have a rem in my Daily Docs called “TODOs to carry forward” which have a bunch of children that are all todos: when I check one off I drag it out; each day I drag the folder forward in my daily docs. This way of implementation is rather awkward, even if it gets the job done.

I can imagine several ways to implement this (from a user perspective):

  • The most logical way to implement these todos would be with a date attached, so they display either as a child of the corresponding Daily Doc or in the search portal of the Daily Doc.

  • Possibly have a more complicated todo powerup tag (perhaps adding other tags like created, due date, carry forward if past due, etc.)

  • A separate powerup tag called #carry forward (or some such) that adjusts any date within the rem to the current day IF it has a status of unfinished.

  • A parent tag (kind of like the Automatic Sort tag) that automatically adjusts dates of any children todo rems to the current date (if they have status unfinished) implemented on Daily Docs. This would have an advantage of leaving the rem in it’s original created day while still showing it as not done on the current day’s search portal.

  • I think the best option would be to beef up the functionality of searching and search portals in RemNote. In this case, accomodate a custom search portal in Daily Docs that searches for and displays past due rem (i.e. rem tagged unfinished with a date before the current day) AND ALSO allows this custom search portal to be added to each of the children of a rem (in this case, add the custom search portal to all children of Daily Docs). This option would be the most elegant within RemNote, since it would not require additional settings, additional powerups, or clutter up the view of people who didn’t want or need it.

  • I haven’t spent much time studying how other programs implement todos, except to note that I haven’t found any yet that work as well for me as RemNote. I could imagine a more systematic overhaul of RemNote’s todo handling that would incorporate other elements of task management, such as assigning a task to someone, assigning dependencies, allowing stages of completion, triggering IFTTT kinds of tasks, etc. However, I’d prefer to see RemNote stick with its philosophy of flexibility. That is, allow these sorts of things to be built in RemNote, but leave the specifics in power-user case examples or user templates or something.