Todo tag does not seem to work?

New user, so it bugs me that the Todo tag does not seem to work. The tagged tasks do not show up in the associated Rem for the Todo tag.

When I go to the associated Rem for the Todo tag, I see:
0 Tagged Rem
0 Text References
In 0 Documents

The Rems tagged with #Todo do not show up in the Tagged Rem portal.

I also noticed right now that when I deleted the Stub tag from a Rem, the Rem still shows up as tagged in the Stub Rem. That doesn’t make sense to me. As a workaround, I went to the website version tagged the relevant Rems with Stub and then deleted the Stub tag. I tried this for the Todo tag but it didn’t work.

Is there a configuration I need to toggle in the settings?

Same here, the unfinished rem is completely empty for me.

I just satisfied myself that it shows Unfinished and Finished rems. I’m not really sure if the zero tagged rems in Todo is a bug or intentional.