I’m unable to log out, the sync out seems to fail from a server’s trouble. Started today. I do have two logins. One private, the other more open (student’s login) and I’m uploading informations and works from one to the other. I’m working with the chrome version. We also are in an exam session so I will need to get acces to both accounts, I’m kind of in a hurry. Is it a bug from the newest version ?
Ps: print screen of the trouble message. Delete unsync and force log out does not work.
Thanks for reaching out. Can you please try logging into incognito and checking that your Rem are synced? If so, you can safely press the subtle “Delete unsynced changes and force logout” button.
Thanks, for your answer.
Incognito mode allows me to log in and out. But none of my late work are synced…
And in the normal mode, the log problem still remains but the sync seems to have been done. And the “delete unsynced changes and force logout” button still does not work. This is the screen when I try to do so. It seems to row.
Try this:
- Stay logged in
- Reload the documents page, if the warning of unsaved changes show, press cancel.
- Wait for the green notification saying it’s synced.
- Login using incognito to make sure changes are saved
- Clear site cookies in normal mode. This should log you out.
Step1 ok
Step2 doesn’t exist
Step3 ok
Step4 ok but no log out.
Now I’m using the desktop app to work and then I upload from incognito mode. Seems to work that way. But my account is still connected and unsynced in normal mode.
clearing cookies normally does the job. @Martin, can cookies get “stuck”?
@Jon_Crott I think you should try one more time. Clear the cookies, and reload the page. Make sure Remnote isn’t running in another tab. (incognito is not a problem.)
Can you try following these steps please?
Hello guys. Problem solved. I retry the log out. It worked. I’m logged out but I’m not sure I will relog with the normal mode. I’ll always use the incognito mode. Thanks for the advices.