Vanishing rems and interloping cards

I’m currently evaluating RemNote to see if I want to make it my main outlining and learning tool. I’m using it in a limited way for research for articles and memorizing facts for talks. I think it’s brilliant combining outline and learning, and hope to make it my main tool and purchase a lifetime subscription if it pans out.

I sent support an email on a couple of issues a few days back. I haven’t heard back yet so I thought I would post here while I’m waiting for a response.

The more serious issue is that rems appear and disappear depending on what level in the hierarchy you are. This video with audio shows the problem:

The second issue is that cards are appearing in a learning session which are outside the document the session should be scoped for. This video with audio shows the problem:

Any enlightenment on these issues would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Hey gregfuller,
I am not from the support-team (and english is not my first language). But I can still try to help you. If you change from “2018 Oxford Studie” to “Studies” you change the scope. The Data are still there, but they are not visible. This Feature can be really usefull. If for example you want to only show the implications for different studies while in “Studies” you could do so. You can still show all informations and there are different ways to do so:

  1. In “Studies” there should be a small Triangle on just right from the bulletpoint of “2018 Oxford Studie”. Pressing this one should make all Children of “2018 Oxford Studie” visible.
  2. While your cursor is in the bulletpoint “2018 Oxford Study” type “/” (or “//” it depends on your settings). This should open a inplace textfield. Type “Expand” and chose “Expand All Descendants” which should make all Informations visible.

I really hope this helps ;-).

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For your secound problem… Maybe try to input a Concept? You only used Descriptors and they are kinda bound on the Construct they describe.
Try Type “This is my test:: here is text” (With the big “T”) and try again to practice the rems. Can you practice the newly created Rem?

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Thank you so much for taking the time to respond—it really did help. I’m used to working with outliners where the triangle would show/hide all children.

I’m still a little perplexed by this behavior however. In this particular case seven children were visible, and the triangle revealed the other four. After all 11 are revealed that way, then the triangle just toggles between hiding all children and revealing all children. If hiding the children were intentional I would’ve expected clicking the triangle to have three states instead of two: 1) show all children, 2) hide all children, and 3) show seven children and hide four.

If I had intentionally, rather than inadvertently hidden those four, then it seems I should be able to get back to the state where they were hidden. And maybe I can and just don’t know how.

To avoid making the same mistake again, I’m wondering, how is it that some came to be hidden in the first place, and how they could be hidden again if I choose to take advantage of that feature?

Thanks again!

Thank you. I will experiment with your suggestions for the second problem.