Web clipper's sidebar shows the message "No Windows Present"


I don’t understand why when I click by Web clipper’s extension in the upper-right corner, then adding a note, and clicking by “Open document”, I don’t see the info added, but only the message “No Windows Present”, like below:

It looks like I didn’t create any document, but actually, I did. Also, I see the message when adding a note through the clipper that the doc is created. Any suggestions, please?

I tried extension in the Brave and Vivaldi browser, chromium-based. Win 10 Pro.

Thank you

The Lab feature “Windowed Panes” is not yet optimized for all views (help database, graph view). Disable it in Settings > Lab and the clipper should work again.

Moritz is working on implementing all the “edge cases” so we can move it from Lab to stable in one of the next releases.

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Oh, thanks for the clarification. It helped and resolved my query :muscle: