When I copied the Universal Descriptors Rem from the Tutorial to my Knowledge base, I got this Power-Up Rem with a tilde symbol ~ for the parent Rem. What does it do? Why does it have the Power Up symbol?
Can you provice a ScreenShot…?
@TaQuangKhoi here is the link s (remnote.io)
anda screenshot from the website tutorial on universal descriptor
I also noticed that there’s another Rem for the universal descriptor
Sorry, I forgot that I changed the tilde symbol to `. But my question still stands. Why is it a power-up?
I don’t know what its purpose is but in my Knowledge Base It is the root of the Aliases feature…
Rem without Power-Up, you can change its name, it’s not matter.
You can move all universal descriptors in ~
with Power-Up to the one without Power-Up or vice versa… It’s up to you…
Yes, Aliases is in the ~ Rem with Power-Up, that’s why I kept that Rem instead of the one without Power-Up. Do you also use ~ Rem with Power-Up for Universal descriptors?
I guess another thing (for developers to answer) is why there is two of these in the tutorial.
@chicken Before aliases were added, the tilde was just a regular rem used as dump for all universal descriptors. After aliases, it became a powerup parent for the alias powerup (much like edit later powerup is a parent of message powerup). The documentation probably hasn’t been updated, but you can definitely use the existing powerup ~ to store your universal descriptors - the alias powerup will function just fine no matter how many other rem are stored alongside it.
thanks to both of you!