When searching for Todo/Status/Unfinished brings finished checkboxes also

When I search for unfinished checkboxes, results also show checked ckeckboxes. Is this intended or am I searching wrong?

Those are probably rems in corrupt state. If you toggle the checkbox once or manually untag-tag those rems with Todo powerup it should start to behave correctly

In this screenshot, hi is one such box I fixed, ho is a misbehaving checkbox

Another case is, if you have nested checkboxes and the parent checkbox is in finished state. In that case you may still see the parent. That is due to the hierarchical context provided by search portal. I think that is expected.

When I checked it again they are corrected like you said but I wonder what causes this and if this happens frequently or not. Checking it to correct it does not seem practical I think. When I have tens of todos…