"you got this card right x times, now I can show you this card" - curriculum / prerequisite / DAG functionality for card review?

Hey everyone!

Let’s say I wanted to memorize a song - e.g. I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor.

I’ve got some Cloze cards for bits and pieces to not overwhelm myself. Something like:

At first I was {CLOZE 1: afraid}, I was {CLOZE 2: petrified}.

But now I’ve mastered those, and I want to leave bigger gaps for the cards. Something like:

At {CLOZE 3: first I was afraid, I was petrified}.

If I’m making all those cards at once, I’d love to be able to enforce an order such that it wouldn’t show me CLOZE 3 until I’ve “mastered” CLOZE 1 and CLOZE 2 - so I get neither overwhelmed nor bored.

Something like a curriculum, prerequisite, or directed acyclic graph (DAG) feature for cards. Does this make sense?