A quick way to exit the Study Queue

I’d like an “X” in the corner of my study cards (or some other way) to quickly exit my study queue and return to the last place I was working in RemNote.

Hey, this may be a workaround, I’m not sure, but the back button works to go back to where you were from the queue as well. There is also a shortcut for this: Ctrl/Cmd + [.


Uhm…just left click outside of the Queue window like you would be get rid of a pop-up. :wink: In my case, and probably yours as well, the outside is the black space. You will still see the queue but can use the navigation bar to move away.

Example of queue and where to click:

What you see (with my name and logo cropped out) after left-clicking outside of the queue “pop-up” window:

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Hi, please add shortcut for exit the queue window by pressing ESC.

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One thing that has literally driven me crazy, is the way one can close the flashcard queue.
Looks like it was inspired by exiting in Vim. :grinning:

Hitting the Esc key or clicking anywhere outside of the flashcards queue box should close the flashcard queue box and bring the user back to the rem he/she was before launching the flashcard queue.

Agree. It’s quite awkward. I think that basic starting inbox page should be other plain note not the queue

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Glad to hear I am not the only one. :grinning:

Wish it were more intuitive in this way

Definitely not alone

Alt + works as well