Ability to choose the default flashcard direction

I think it would be useful to allow users to choose which directions newly created Rem or Descriptors will ask in, I personally like every card to ask both ways and It would be nice for this to happen automatically for every type of rem.

Agreed. This feature would be much more time saving and productive than toggling a single type of card on or off. The current method of toggling just the Forward or Backward card is just not really helpful since one has to check first which cards are enabled or not.

This might be useful to spot wrong practice directions in a document:

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You could make all your rems concepts as a workaround. Btw how do you use descriptors for you to want them both ways? Off the top of my head, I could see how that‘s useful if you make notes in another language that you don‘t know very well

As an example:
Concept x

so on the flashcard you see blue and you gotta know what blue is, a colour

Edit: sorry, didn‘t mean to reply to you but the very first post, any way I can change that?

As a student, I use remnote for revision and I like to use both directions for descriptors since many exam questions would ask you to recall a concept based on a description that is given, and I also like to have that memorised in general.
For your example, I might be asked what concept has the colour blue(a bad example but I hope you see what I mean).

This is actually very useful for me, thanks for sharing!

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That one was helped me. Thank You!! @hannesfrank

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