Automatically generated unordered lists rems and flascards without typing ">> + Enter" at the end of a rem

Describe the bug
There’s nothing wrong with child rems of ordered or unordered lists. HOWEVER when creating second level child rems below one of the rems of the list, WITHOUT ever pressing “>>” RemNote automatically generates an unordered list and also automatic unexpected new flashcards of that list.

Also, even after turning off unintended created flaschards of that list, the hint number of the original list flashcard gets affected taking into account rems of the second level unintended list or even delivering a totally random number but NOT the number of first level rems below the parent.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create an ordered or unordered list Rem
  2. Press TAB on the second, third or another rem of the list (only not the first one logically) as trying to create a second level child rem
  3. See error. It will create a never intended unordered list and unintended flashcards.
  4. Check the hint number of the flashcard of the original parent list.
  5. It will show a random number, but NOT the number of first level rems below the parent.

Expected behavior
Previously we were able to press TAB on one of the rems of ordered and unordered list and create second level child rems without generating an unordered list and flashcards on the process. Also, we were able to press SHIT+TAB and get that rem to return as an item of the original list. (Behaviour showed on the right side of the photo)

Also, the hint number on the flashcard of the original list never used to change and only took into acoount the number of first level rems of the list. (Behaviour showed on the right side of the photo)


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Windows web versions, Windows RemNote app.
  • Browser: Chrome, Edge
  • Bug appeared since RemNote 1.5 update (08/12/2021)

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • I own an iPhone, at the time of publishing this report there’s not an iOS app. I can’t tell if this bug appears on Android phones.

Additional context
Previously (7 th of december and backwards) I never noted this bug. Being able to create child rems below rems of a list without forcing us to create a list inside the original one allows us to keep a better order and study better. It gives us freedom to decide how to order our rems, and I thinks that’s the whole idea of RemNote. Please solve this and return to the previous behaviour.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Card Item should not be preserved when indenting under existing Card Item