Combination of local and sync - desktop app

I came across the new desktop app and it’s great to have a local support for more privacy. :blush:
However, I also like the possibilty of reviewing cards on my phone or accessing it online.
So my suggestions are:

  • being able to easily move Rem across databases and/or
  • having one database but selecting single Rem to sync (e.g. with a sync tag)

This way the best of both worlds can be combined. Local Rem for all the private information and synced Rem for things like knowledge practice cards or so.

Best regards,

The info that you know requires more privacy remains in the local KB. The info that you really want to access and sync from many devices goes in the synced KB. And all the rest (99%) has to choose sides. And commit to it, because there’s no robust and easy way of moving pieces of a KB from one to the other, not even manually. You can’t reference synced content from your local KB even if that doesn’t present any concerns and it all exists locally anyway.

So, for example, I’d like to be able to control which parts of a knowledgebase are synced and which are not, and change that on the go. Or at least, I’d like to be able to export robustly parts of a KB and import them to the other.

Just to combine ideas together. Another implementation can be:

We’d love to support this longer-term. There are a number of practical questions (ex. what happens if you don’t have access to one knowledge-base) and technical questions here, but it is something we’re thinking about.


Can’t trust an app where privacy isn’t even an afterthought.

Bolt-on solution in 3-5 years is not good enough in the 21st century.