Convert reference to plain text

At the moment there is no way to convert a referenced block of text to plain text in order to work on it without affecting the original except for right clicking the reference, clicking open rem in other pane as document and copypasting from there. Hopefully, it’s easy enough to add a shortcut to do the above steps automatically to the menu.

I want to vote for this. But i no more vote left. When will i be able to resume my votes?

If I delete this reference it all turns into

this image

to this

If they don’t all turn into plain text I have no choice but to fix them one by one

Is this same as Convert reference to plain text? I am bit surprised that it doesn’t have many upvotes.


For some reason I am having difficulty finding an existing REM reference when I try and link it to the exact same word. Many times its its encouraging me to create a new REM. I am then merging them. I wish I could remove some of the older REM reference links by converting them to plain text. It would help me keep the system clean and current as my ideas and groupings change.

Moved to the new platform