CTRL + F on a page

If I do a search in this box it takes me to the rem, but it’s nothing on the page but the rem. Is there a way for this to take me down the page to the rem AND the area around the rem? In other words just go down the page like a normal search?


It seems to be solved in the January update. You only need to put the mouse in the rem you want to be located and press escape, it will close the search and take you to that rem.

Here is a better solution from @Dante_Gaxiola - Click on the rem and hit escape key. Better because it doesn’t change the context of the current page.

Another solution
How about this, just go inside that rem, then step out one level (or how many levels you want) using the breadcrumbs at the top

Instead of click, if you do Shift + Click, you can do this exercise on the second pane, just to not disrupt your search process

That should work… thanks!!

I agree that there should be a simple page search option (which behaves as a normal search in a web page).
Maybe by having a modifier.

That way the user can choose when they want simple search, and when they want the current one (as each has its own advantages).

Good to know this is possible! This should be the default behaviour, in my opinion (having the Rem be isolated should require additional steps).