Disable → to create cards

It is unfriendly for users who use → to write mathematical reasoning.


You can use the Latex feature of RemNote to work around that. Type in $$ and then \rightarrow to get a →.

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\to also works if you want a shorter command.

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You can also learn to use AutoHotkey and program your own shortcuts for inserting any Unicode character (or copy-paste a char set), using text-expansion on pre-determined trigger strings (e.g. my typing “~lgk” changes into “⊬□◇⊥⊣⊢⊨⇒”)

For example I type “→” by pressing Alt (!) + Start (#) + Equals (works in RemNote too):

!#=::SendInput {ASC 26}	;;	→

Check out these sick char sets I can just type as Unicode into all sorts of places where Latex don’t fit (e.g. emails, discord, word docs):

All have individual commands: ←→₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₀¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰₋⁻₊⁺∧∨¬⇔∃¡∀£€☐☑
~lgk ⊬□◇⊥⊣⊢⊨⇒
~mth ≈⊂⊃⊆⊇∪∩∈∉⊄ℕℤℚℝℂ∅∂√∞π卌½¼¾+−÷×
~kem ≠Å⇄≤≥±≈≡°C
~ltr áàêëèçÎôñöüù
~frac ⅓⅔⅕⅖⅗⅘⅙⅚⅐⅛⅜⅝⅞⅑⅒
~smbl ⌜⌝฿€©™►◄※●■◆○□◇★☆:spades::clubs::heart::diamonds:♤♧:heart:♢♩♪♫♬♭♮♯¿¡☞☜⓪①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨✚:star_of_david:☭:star_and_crescent::peace_symbol::relaxed::frowning::yin_yang::skull_and_crossbones::radioactive::biohazard:☤♲♳:hotsprings::wheelchair:☉☼♀♂♔♕♖♗♘♙♚♛♜♝♞:chess_pawn:✓✗✞↑:droplet:

[Link to my full AHK code]

I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, :ballot_box_with_check:please vote :ballot_box_with_check: for the feature request there:
Use a different symbol instead of arrows for flashcards?

Using LaTeX every time you want an arrow is not a good workaround because (1) you don’t always want to be in a LaTeX environment and (2) cloze handles LaTeX poorly.

It’s also annoying as hell to see arrows where they don’t belong mathematically. Imagine if the letter “B” or something was repurposed so that now you had to use LaTeX every time you needed to write a B, and on top of that now there were all these extra Bs floating around. Using arrows was a bad UI decision and it should be changed or at least made user-modifiable.

The problem is that the characters → ← ↔ are automatically converted into flashcards.

Thanks for clarifying that monotreme (I’ve voted now), I just tested in the newest version and you’re right, that’s a breaking change and must be reverted (or made a toggle-able option) immediately. Or, quite simply: allow us to specify our own ‘card delimiter’ char sets.

You are correct, → and ⇒ don’t mean the same thing, but I think as a compromise we could probably tolerate ⇒ being used as a card delimiter … so long as no one messes with my → material conditional ←

It is very strange how ‘->’ used to be converted to ‘→’, but now gets changed to ‘⇒’.

For whoever’s reading this and needs more explanation for why this vote is important (and why you should go vote too to help support us):

In formal Logic “→” and “←” have very specific meanings. They are used for IF-THEN claims about causation. It’s crucial to get ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ the right way around, wouldn’t you agree? When I take notes, and I want to specify exactly what I mean, I regularly write things that look like this (where A and B are phrases) :


These are not 2 sides to a card, these are one thing and shouldn’t be disrupted, please, it was working great before!

For example, this is a real thing I would realistically write in RemNote:

I felt sad ← I didn't eat enough today

I’m saying something very specific with ‘←’ here: the reason why I felt sad was because I didn’t eat but not necessarily the other way around.

Similarly the ⇔ (if-and-only-if) symbol has a very specific meaning, please please don’t touch it.

Let’s be clear: the single biggest reason I use RemNote for my (Mathematical and Logic) notes is its seamless combination of Latex and Flashcards. That’s it. That’s why I switched from Anki. Period. I will switch back if I need to.

This change now prevents me from using RemNote to take notes on my field. :pensive:

Please revert or allow a work-around for this change.


My use cases are a little different, but I agree with you that losing → ← ↔ are potential dealbreakers.

I hope not to lose the ⇒ arrows, and I definitely don’t want to lose ↦ ↣ ↠ :arrow_right_hook: ⇉ ⇌ ⇄ ↝ ⇝ because they have standard meanings and I use all of them regularly. There are other arrows I can imagine wanting to use too.

If it needs to be an arrow, I would be ok with ⇨ although I personally would prefer something less obtrusive that afaik means nothing to anyone such as ▹◃⬦▿ or ⏵⏴◆⏷

In my case (desktop app), previously used → dont auto converted into flashcards UNTIL I touch that rem to edit something.

Imagine my despair when my notes are full of formulas like
a → (b → c) == b → (a → c) == (a ^ b) → c == a → (-b v c) == (a → c) v (b → c)

all the → and == convert into cards when I touch the rems :sob:

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I know, it kills me. Didn’t the dev team at least check whether people were using arrows before they decided to do this?

If you get a chance, please vote for the feature request to get this changed at Use a different symbol instead of arrows for flashcards?

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Thanks. I already voted.

I don’t get what’s wrong with the previous notation?
:: was perfectly fine.
Now all my cards are messed up too lol suddenly material conditionals, biconditionals everywhere.

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My temporary workaround by making the card arrows invisible -

.last_node_down_arrow {
    color: #ffffff;
.last_node_down_arrow:hover {
    color: #292936;

.separator-symbol:not(.first_in_answer) {
    padding-right: 6px;
    color: #ffffff;
.separator-symbol:not(.first_in_answer):hover {
    padding-right: 6px;
    color: #292936;



Hmm. I know next to nothing about CSS, but this would seem to imply that it’s possible to use CSS to replace the arrows with a different symbol. This still probably wouldn’t fix the problem of not being able to use arrows elsewhere without having them create cards, but at least it’s an improvement.

Thanks for posting this.

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