Documenting the "zombie rems" and sync related issues

the issue is still very present for me… any news about a bug fix?

Just click into any one, and click Merge in the bottom of the page

I got some Untitled Pages after synced, and they all have Power-up Rems which were not added by me.

And i can not delete those pages, how could I resolve this?

Thanks for your reply. But for power-up rems, currently the system do not allow to delete…

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Hiya, feel free to submit a bug report regarding this to the official issue tracker on Github and the devs will figure out if the issues are the same and can be merged :slight_smile:

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I posted a description of my sync failing under the Community Q&A, but in short I was having trouble closing the windows app. After a day of use it, I went to close it, and it started to save but did not close. At the sametime I noticed that the browser version was not up to date and loading seemed to take ages on the browser version on the same PC. No attempt to force sync worked either. My short term fix was to leave the App open but shut down the computer. The App was then closed when I restarted and when I opened it worked again. The App saved and closed properly. The browser version was also synced.

I am really keen to pay to use Remnote and have been a user of Dynalist Pro. I am keen to switch but only if I can be sure I can reliably sync. Currently I am planning to work only in the browser version on Chrome browser and IOS Safari. I am going to see if this keeps me more synced. Today seems to be ok so far.

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For those concerned with syncing for now - do people find using the windows browser and ios browser the best way to stay synced. Or are some people using the windows app and ios browser and making the syncing work some how?

Somewhat related report on GitHub : Search Portal Finds Children Under "Missing Rem" · Issue #642 · remnoteio/remnote-issues · GitHub

hey everyone! Just revisiting this post as many of the sync related issues were fixed. Kindly ping here about bugs that haven’t been fixed yet pls.

This seems related too.


In the Discord channel this portion seems to suggest it may be a cousin related issue to the zombie rems though this sounds more like zombie portals if you will

The discussion seems to start more in this area

Another user joining in at this point sharing similar issues

I will leave the discussion up to you guys. Just thought I would provide some reference points so you have an idea of where to start following the convo



I have an issue with zombie rems (Deleted rems, untitled rems, and rems titled orphan) after opening RemNote on a secondary device I haven’t used in some time.

My main is RemNote for Mac. My secondaries are the website on my iPad and on my iPhone. They have both previously accessed RemNote. A large number of deleted rems appeared when I opened RemNote on my iPhone via the browser. A larger number of untitled rems, and rems titled orphan appeared after opening RemNote on the iPad browser The untitled rems have notes inside of them and are tagged as orphan. The rems titled orphan are not tagged orphan and are empty.

I had previously wiped these Rem using the “Delete All Rem” option in the settings. Probably some of them were also individually deleted Rem as well.

Might it be possible to avoid this zombie rem issue by using only the web app? And is there an easy way to delete these 100s of zombie rems but keep the Rem I was working on?

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Hey! very sorry to hear that you came across this issue. Since we started this thread, we have been able to figure out a lot of cases where these zombie rems get created, and they have been fixed. There are a few edge cases left, like yours, thanks for documenting this. It will help with our internal explorations.

Deleting these rems : Just wait a bit, our redesigned app has the solution for batch handling rems and you will be able to clean all this up in a minute or two.

I will note down this instance, and once our engineers are available to investigate this bug more, we will contact you further :slight_smile: If possible take a backup of your KB now, just in case we need to explore what happened (if you are comfortable in sharing that is)

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Thanks for the response.

Another issue I forgot to mention is that the documents are no longer in the sidebar (I had originally pinned them). They are already tagged as documents. This only happened after the above situation of opening RemNote on my secondary devices.

To understand correctly, after opening RemNote on the mobile browser, some pinned documents vanished from the sidebar?

  1. Can you still find them in your KB? If yes, can you untag them as a document, tag them back and then give them pinned status again. Alternatively, you can also just try changing the status from pinned to draft and then to pinned again. This should reset it back mostly.
  2. Are you able to see the pinned documents in your Sidebar rem (there will be a search portal that lists Pinned rem there)? If no, then do a refresh on that search portal.
  1. In both the Mac app and the web app, all documents (even the Daily document power up rem) are still in my KB but disappeared from the sidebar. I did not need to untag them as document; It was sufficient just to check the Pinned status again.

  2. Unfortunately I do not know the answer to this since moved my documents back to the sidebar already. But if this occurs, I will check the pinned search portal.

I can send my KB backup over if it would help but I already made some changes such as moving my documents back and deleting a couple of the zombie rems.

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Good to know that it got resolved :slight_smile: thanks for your co-operation! We hope to catch this bug and fix it asap.

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I like to do flashcards on my phone when running errands, but when I go back to my Linux or web app, I don’t see the completed card count in the queue. It’s like I haven’t done any. Is this a bug or a feature, and if a feature, why? I would really like to be able to pick up the daily queue from anywhere instead of having to do it all on one device.

Okay, so the mobile app is syncing with the web app now, but it seems to require closing the android app and restarting it, and I have to wait awhile for it to work. Does RemNote require manual syncing, or is it background like Google Docs?