At the moment, one is able to edit documents or search the whole database in RemNote on the phone. Basically, the RemNote PWA is just like the usual desktop version in a much tinier scale.
In my (humble) opinion, there is no need for editing big documents in the App. This can be done using a tablet or desktop PC. I think this just makes the PWA a bit clunky and worsens the user experience.
Here are the features that I consider most essential for RemNote’s (coming) native App:
- Proper flashcard review (if you open the app, it should be really easy to access)
**- Idea caption
- Proper Task Management made possible on RemNote native app (reoccurring events, easy planning, etc)
**Easy connectivity with other Apps (as it is already with Airr) **
Again, these are just the features I would expect from an incredibly good App.
Proposal: Make a very clean app, with the minimum distraction and minimum features. Personally, I don’t think that it is necessary to have equal features on phone and PC. I’d rather prefer a tidied up mobile App and a desktop app with dozens of features (as it is now).
Please let me know what you think of the “minimalistic App proposal”. What features would you miss (if any)?
Best Regards, Tobi