Lightweight Mobile option

I don’t know how it is with other RemNote users, but to me a mobile app only makes sense if it’s quick/lightweight. Although I like to have as many features as possible, my priority for mobile is always performance/speed.

This makes me wonder: is it worth it for devs to spend time keeping the fully-featured version of RemNote running on mobile? Wouldn’t it be best to have a (very) trimmed down version, with (much) less features instead? (assuming, of course, this would mean it opens/reacts much quicker)

Of course, this is just an idea, to promote a discussion. Maybe the mobile app already has enough users to justify the work put into it. Or maybe it’s not worth it to maintain this different version of RemNote in parallel…

I think it would make sense to split the interfaces with the tablet version being more like the desktop version (and ideally with the addition of a scratchpad to both) and the smartphone version being queue focused. The problem is how to choose what to practice if your global queue has become nonviable. Possibly place portals in a special doc that is shown in the mobile version and allows to practice queues those portals lead to?

I’m very much against that idea. Using RemNote is very lightweight already (at least my workflow which essentially consists of writing questions and answers, going through the queue and editing sometimes) and I don’t see what’s there to trim down. Also I’m not sure if you are talking about the tablet version as well but for that platform it would make even less sense considering that tablets can be used as laptop replacements.

Yeah, I also don’t like the idea of having less features… But the thing is that, at least to me, the mobile app is unusable in its current state. (Again, this is not a criticism to the devs. Considering what it can do, I’m amazed it’s not even slower).

What is your mobile OS? How long does it take for your UI to show (after tapping the icon, or selecting the app from open applications)?

On my 3 year-old Android, the app takes 4-5 seconds to show the UI (even if it’s already launched). That in itself makes it very unlikely I’ll use the app in the way its intended (for example, to do some cards in an elevator ride)…

On an iPhone XR it takes around 1.5 seconds

For now, our consensus is to maintain the same features across all platforms and the mobile experience will get a significant revamp after the full app redesign.

I think the mobile app should not have sidebar, or if it has to be optional. Takes up a lot of space and I don’t think it is necessary.

Or it could be a more functional sidebar of course