Hey everyone! We have made quite a few core changes to how the search works and would like to hear your feedback on how it feels in day-to-day use.
Instantaneous Search
- RemNote is your second brain, and we want it to be just as fast as your first one! To better achieve this goal, we’ve upgraded search to be “instantaneous” – get search results as fast as you can type!
- We’ve also rebuilt search so that it stays lightning fast even as your knowledge base increases in size. That means users with huge knowledge bases still reap the rewards of instantaneous search.
- This upgrade also ensures that you’ll have a great search experience on our upcoming iOS app!
- Instantaneous search also brings a more frictionless and consistent experience when using RemNote across multiple browser tabs. This helps you always find what you’re looking for, regardless of where you use RemNote!
- More search improvements coming soon:
- Further improvements to search rankings
- Removing the initial loading delay
- Broader querying ability