How can I make rems that are children of multi-line cards, but don't show up in its list?

Until recently I was able to create rems that were children of multi-line cards (because the themes were related) and those children didn’t show up when I practiced. But now they are showing up, although they are not part of the list of items that I intend to memorize with that rem, they are just related.

In the image below, I want the rem “Hipóteses em que o juiz…” not to show up when I practice the rem “A tutela da evidência será concedida…”. On the other hand, when practicing the rem “Hipóteses em que o juiz…”, I want it to appear as a child of “A tutela da evidência será concedida…” (but not on its list). How can I do this?

I have the exact same problem! Also extra card detail appears as part of the flashcard

Apparently these two posts also address this problem:

The moderator said it’s a bug so I reported it in the app.

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Okay, thank you that’s really reassuring. I had thought that they just changed it on purpose and that no one else was using multilines in the way that I do, but that’s not the case. Hopefully they fix this very soon bc it really obstructs my experience

Hold up that’s from march… is it like an old bug that resurfaced or smt?