Hyperlink vs rem reference

I asked about this in December 2021 Update - RemNote 1.5 - #18 by piotrj but I’m still confused and the discussion moved on so I’m raising it here too.

My question was:

What is a difference between a hyperlink to a rem and “rem reference”? In the list of references of a rem there seems to be no difference. However, they are styled differently in the text (hyperlinks have underlines, and rem reference don’t), depending on how the link/reference is created (with [[ vs click “link”) .

After playing around with it some more, I don’t really see a reason to have two concepts for basically a link between rems.

Also, the user experience for linking rems got worse in the 1.5.0 update IMO. Here’s why. I typically copy text to rems rather than typing it, for example from books or lecture notes. Then I create references. Previously, when I highlighted some text and pressed “rem reference” button, the relevant suggestions immediately appeared in a popup. Now when highlight and click the link button, I need to type the same word again in order to find a rem to link to. This takes much more time when creating a lot of references in copied text.


The difference seems to be that linked text (either to an URL or a Rem) doesn’t create an alias and doesn’t insert a Rem reference, which is formatted like the alias and not like the linked text. As you mentioned, linked text still creates a reference from the linked Rem or URL, so in that sense they’re not different.

I’m not sure yet how I feel about the new weblink handling that compiles all links to a given website on the Website powerup page. But I am glad that I can still link from text to a website without the clutter of a bunch of aliases.

As for having to keyboard a second time, it is strange that it’s not possible to create Rems by typing [[ and then pasting in the copied text. I have no idea if this is already a feature request, but maybe it should be.


Yes, this makes it even worse because it looks like you have no choice but to type the word again in order to create rem references in existing text. However, you shouldn’t even need to copy and paste it in the first place.

This is such a productively killer that I honestly don’t feel like taking more notes using Remnote until it’s fixed.

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I just found by accident that if you highlight a text and press “[”, you can still create a rem reference in an existing text without re-typing it.

Thanks piotrj, that works!

We have also added back the UI buttons for Rem References and Tags inside the Highlight toolbar due to popular demand. Check the latest changelog out December 2021 Update - RemNote 1.5.1 (Alpha & Beta Servers)