I cant use remnote anymore after update 🙂 (With Non-latin language input problem)

There were many input problem but I could at least input Korean and cards. But after this update I cant make Korean card…
There have been many non-latin language input issues but I really cant understand why they ignore and don’t much pay attention to it. Please fix this or at least notify us this problem is so big problem so you can’t fix this rather than strange update.

Agree. This is a big problem. but I think they didn’t ignore the non-Latin input issues. I guess they just didn’t have much chance to use non-Latin input because of other core issues to deal with. On the Github issue page, the input issue is treated as a long-term downstream issue. We’ll see :thinking:

I’m using this workaround solution instead. Not perfect but at least we can use it in this way not ideal though. :slightly_smiling_face:


So am I.
I started paying for it, but I can’t use it because of this. BIG PROBLEM…