Issue with Rem References

Issue in Windows 10:
Nothing happens when I click on Rem References. I just get a tooltip with the content). If I click on the bullet point instead, it takes me an empty page with the text of the rem reference as title.

(I’m creating a separate post for this problem, as my earlier post on this was hidden amidst a longer thread on different topic).

Issue in iPad:
In chrome browser in iPad, pencil does nothing when i click with it on rem reference. When I touch with finger, it turns into a text entry showing the entire URL in markdown.
In safari in iPad, the remnote just constantly refreshes and unable to login (i’ve posted that issue separately).

I think this is a bug. When clicking references they should open in the current pane.
(Are you clicking with a mouse or some touch device?)

In general you have to distinguish between the referenced rem R and a rem X containing just a reference to R.

  • If you click the reference on X, you open R.
  • If you click the bullet point on X you open X and see the reference to R in the title bar.

There is also a context menu (right click). Can you open that?

There are 3 options:

  • Open Rem as Document
  • Open Rem in Other Pane as Document and
  • Insert Into Document which adds a portal if the rem is not already part of the current document.

For your Master document can decide: Do you want to a list of references which you can (shift+) click to open them or do you want a list of (collapsed) portals.

Thank you as ever for your detailed illustrated answers. :pray:

In windows, I use mouse. In ipad, I use pencil. (As documented above, the issue I face is different is each case.)

I’m doing the first option. I’m attempting to click directly on the reference to open it. Because that didn’t work, I tried to click on the bullet point. My aim is to click directly on the reference, but nothing happens when I do so. (As you suggest, it might be a bug??)

Yes. Awesome. That works, both via context menu as well as shift+rt_click.
But that throws up another problem:
it opens a page that has a #stub tag and has search portals rather than the page with indented list I had linked to.
(…I guess thats perhaps good in a long run as I have more pages on same topic?!.)

I’m hoping for the former option.

@UMNiK Thank you for your video. :pray: I tried following suit, but I continue to have the same problem. Clicking on my brand new rem reference takes me nowhere. (I’ve recorded this video wherein, following your video outline, I tried to create a new reference as a document, then marked it as no parent, copied to a new spot, and removed the document tag. I still get no joy. )
Edit: On the other hand, if I right click on rem reference with or without marking it as “no parent”, it happily opens that reference via the context menu onto a new page. Just doesn’t work when I directly click on it.

Try deleting the portals that are left behind when you move it to no parent. Chances are, your clicking on the reference is just focusing it in the same page. If it’s not on the same page, it has to take you into it rather than scrolling the page and focusing it. Try shift+click the reference when you delete the portals to open it in the side pane as well (end of my vid). If it still doesn’t work, it’s a bug, take it to Github.

(Posted on the wrong thread. Reposting here.)

@UMNiK Shall do so on Github. Cheers.
After I’ve merged my stubs, my rem references do open into the pages I want when I go through context menu or shift+click. Just don’t work when I directly click on them.

(p.s. I tried deleting the portals in that specific toy example, and still same effect. In my real world scenario, my references point to other pages with atomic content.)

Are you sure you are actually referencing the stuff you want to reference rather than creating new stubs? I made a vid of what should be happening in your other post. You may /merge the stub into the stuff you wanted to reference and it should update. Definitely don’t want to keep more than one page per note, that’s what references are for (multi-adding same notes to different places).