Multi-line flash card within a multi-line flashcard

When I create a multi-lined flashcard, which has itself children with multi-lined flashcards (as seen in the example below), then when I test myself in the queue for Topic 1 and Topic 2 I only want to see
Topic 1 and Topic 2 without their children as they will distract me.
Example: What I currently see in the queue is this:
So what I would like to see in the queue is seeing Topic 1 and 2 without the children.

Is there a way for me to implement this?



I need this too :frowning:

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First day using Remnote and I find this issue to be very frustrating. I really hope they solve it soon.

They will probably fix this in the future, but for now a solution is to add another child rem and then make a multi line card in that rem.


We’ve been pretty vocal about this in the past and it’s on their roadmap, but the more people ask for it, hopefully the sooner will they add it


Additionally, it’s not just multiline in multiline but also “plains” in multiline. The content isn’t supposed to be shown, it’s kinda like a spoiler and should only be its own flashcard