Search doesn't zoom into target rem

When I search for this Rem in the Omnibox:

and if the target document’s Rems are already expanded, then the target Rem “Systems such as Zookeeper …” is highlighted:

But if the target document’s Rems are collapsed, the search fails to expand the Rems so as to reveal the target Rem:

This is only happening in this one folder I’ve recently been working on. It is quite a large folder — is that why? Generally Remnote always expands Rems down to the target Rem. I’m worried there’s some data corruption and I might lose all my data :frowning:

The interesting thing is that if I turn the parent Rem (“Service Discovery”) of the target Rem into a document, the expansion works. Why? What are the rules here? Should I just make all my Rems documents to enable deep searching? Are documents perhaps indexed but plain Rems are not?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Rem Search doesn’t navigate to destination Rem properly