Structured navigation

I’d find it very useful to have practical ways to move around a rem according to its structure. For example, to move the cursor:

  • to the previous/next sibling
  • to the parent
  • to the beginning of the selected rem

I haven’t found satisfactory workarounds so far. Have you?

  • There’s Shift+Up which lets you select the previous sibling (or parent if there aren’t any left); after that, pressing Up leaves the cursor at the end of the rem. Even this functionality, as limited as it is, I have found pretty useful.
  • Alternatively, you can move up the selection as mentioned before and then collapse Ctrl+Up and expand Ctrl-Down to then easily navigate on one level at a time. However, this un-hides every rem you might have wanted to keep hidden just for purposes of navigation.
  • Ctrl+s + hierarchical navigation also kinda work but you need to start by searching the current rem.
  • Zoom in and out as needed: not too fast and a bit jarring.

I can think of many possible solutions, but I don’t want to tie down the feature request to any one in particular.

This feature request and this one express similar wishes.

It’s so cool how everything is a rem and every rem can be zoomed into, and suddenly, you are in your own clean document even if it’s actually nested 5 level deep into another. However, much of that power and coolness feels lost to me when moving around the hierarchy feels harder than it could be.


Very much agreed!

Did you have ideas for what keyboard shortcuts you’d like to see for these actions?:

  • Move to parent
  • Move to sibling above
  • Move to sibling below

Our keyboard shortcut list is already quite dense, so these are already taken:

  • Up / down arrow (navigate)
  • Ctrl + up / down (collapse / expand)
  • Alt + up / down (swap)
  • Shift + up / down (expand selection)

(You can see the full keyboard shortcut menu by clicking the “?” in the bottom right.)


Perhaps it could be Ctrl+h for parent, Ctrl+k for previous sibling and Ctrl+j for next (or Alt).

If I am allowed to dream, mid-term, I’d like to have more possible shortcuts. For example, by allowing compound shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl+M and then J), or having a read/locked/restructure mode where all the letters are now available as shortcuts since you can’t type.

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We got those in a recent udpate.

I’d like to be able to bind the commands “Move to Rem Above/Below” (currently arrow keys) as well.
This could be used to move out of code blocks if there are no siblings: