Suggestion: add the ability to add tags where the word "tags" appears, not having to keep typing after the Rem's title

It is very counterintuitive for me to append a tag for a Rem/document by the title, instead of where current tags show up by the word “Tags” and the tag icon. I hope this change is possible.


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You’ll note that you can zoom out and the tags field will disappear, while you can still type ## inside the rem itself to add tags. Not sure what exactly you would be tagging in the zoomed in state, as every tag is by definition associated with a particular rem, while the tags field is AFAIK just an alternative (and worse, Ability to open the full tag context menu from tags under the document title (or any zoomed in rem)) way to access those tags.

Thank UMNiK. Maybe I’m looking at something else. When I zoom in or out, I still see:

Then I click the “+1” thinking that means “add a tag to this document/folder/Rem”


But nothing I expect happens.

I see a Document tag, and then “hide”. We can already “Toggle hidden tags” so “+1” does the same thing makes no sense to me.

I think +1 is referring to the fact that there is a tag that is applied, but not shown - in this case, because it is a powerup that’s hidden by default (possibly, the setting to show hidden tags has yet to be updated to work with this field that’s been added in 1.4). Usually, when there are a lot of tags, extra ones get hidden into this overflow and +n denotes the number of tags in the overflow.

Ah, I see what you mean. For me it’s an action “add one more…” I would do something like “(1)” to say “there are a few more btw…”

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