Hello RemNote Community,
Ethan West here. I am just wondering how to change the font/text color in RemNote online. I am not talking about backgrounds or tag highlight colors, just the text color alone. I wanted to use specific colors for let’s say Jesus in the 4 gospels, so I know when he is speaking and when he is not. I have looked extensively at how to change the text color but it seems impossible at this point. I only know of one solution that partially works, which is using Latex Code. But since it is specifically designed for math there is no spacing available when typing words. The color changes but no spacing.
If there is some type of workaround with this that would save me a lot of time, I would greatly appreciate it. If not I guess I will just have to use text highlights instead. Honestly, I small feature like text color change not being available is surprising in a knowledge-based engine.
Thanks, Ethan.