When I delete a Rem or Document, Cursor vanishes & Keyboard Input no longer possible

So, I imported my database from Obsidian. RemNote gave me a lot of duplicates and many, many broken links. This problem is described by @Lousytrybrian in Roam Import causes tons of duplicates - can’t fix.

Now, I set out to fix these issues nevertheless - and so, I frequently have to move, merge, rename and delete rem and documents. It is tedious. But what really breaks the fun is that when I delete something via the three dots on the upper right (“Rem Options”), there might occur two kinds of bugs:

  1. My mouse cursor vanishes, and RemNote no longer reacts to keyboard input. I have to close and restart the application.
  2. An error looking like this might occur, forcing me to restart the application as well:

Numerous users are shouting for somewhat better management of duplicate rems and documents. Also, RemNote could improve import not only for Roam but also for Obsidian. But finally, whenever I then restart the application, it takes up to minutes to (supposedly) re-index the database. This lets me wait a lot and seriously interrupts my workflow.

I love the application, but this should be fixed asap :slight_smile:
Thanks for all your work,